Biography of Ulama: KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Haurkuning, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Late KH. Saifuddin Zuhri with his late wife Hj. E. Rohbiyyah
Image Copyright: Pesantren Baitul Hikmah Haurkuning

KH. Saifuddin Zuhri (Arabic: سيف الدين زهري ) was Islamic Scholar who was the founder , the leader, and the great teacher of Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School aka Madrasa) Baitul Hikmah where is located in Haurkuning, Mandalaguna, Salopa, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia.  He was also a Rais Am of PCNU. He passed away in Great Mosque of Baitul Hikmah after he had already finished Sholat Isya  (Night Praying) on Saturday, 23rd of Syawal 1434 AH./30th of August 2013 AD.

Early life

He was born on 12nd of August 1938 in Cikiangir (then Kawitan) , Mandalaguna, Salopa, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. His parents were Mr. Hajj Hudaeli and Mrs. Hajjah Sukmi, they both were known as good Muslims who practiced Islam very well. They had a dream that their children, at least one of them, would be Islamic Scholars who called people to the right path. They taught their children practicing Islam when the children were very young, so that made little KH. Saifuddin Zuhri had already practiced Islam in his childhood.


His education began when he was child, he learnt Islam in Cikiangir village. Some of his teachers are M. Sukirman (his uncle), H. Fadhli, H. Zakaria, Mr. Hadia, Mr. Ahmad. The only formal education he got was only in elementary school, he  sudied in Public Elementary School in Salopa in 1946-1952.

After he had graduated from Elementary School, he went to other places to learn Islam more in some Pesantrens. Some of his teachers in the Pesantrens are:

1.       KH. Zaenal Muttaqin (20 days in 1953 at Cibeuti, Kawalu, Tasikmalaya City, West Java, Indonesia),
2.       KH. Zakaria (10 months in 1954 at Cinangsi/Cikoneng, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia),
3.       KH. Jaelani (1 year in 1954-1955 at Ciharashas, Cibeureum, Tasikmalaya City, West Java, Indonesia),
4.       KH. Bahrum (8 years at Cilendek, Tasikmalaya City, West Java, Indonesia),
5.       KH. Busyrol Karim (40 days at Kresek/Cibatu, West Java, Indonesia),
6.       KH. Muhidin (2 hours at Sumursari/Pasirjengkol, West Java, Indonesia),
7.       KH. Dimyati (15 hours at Sagaranten, Indonesia),
8.       KH. Muhammad Nawawi (3 weeks at Cikajang, West Java, Indonesia),
9.       KH. Raden Utsman (at Riyadul Alfiyah Sadang, Garut, West Java, Indonesia),
10.   And other Islamic Scholars.

When he was studying in Pesantren Cilendek, he became the leader of santri who help KH. Bahrum to teach and lead other santris. He respected his teachers and their family members so much, that’s why his teachers loved him very much. He was also a diligent and kind student. That made his teachers always prayed for his success, and that was required for all Muslims students to get beneficial or useful knowledge.

His studying journey did not always go very well. He became an employee of tofu company, seller of firewood to get something to eat. But, there is hardest time, when he was studying in Cikajang (Garut, West Java, Indonesia), he had nothing to eat for a week. At that time, that was so hard to find job, so he just drank mineral water to survive. All that sad times did not break his strong intention to learn Islam.


He married Hj. E. Rohbiyyah in 1963, who is the daughter of his uncle, H. Hasbullah. He had 7 children (4 sons and 3 daughters) from her, they are:
1.       KH. Busyrol Karim (son) married with Hj. Oneng Hojanah.
2.       Hj. Ai Nurlaila (daughter) married with Drs. H. Unang Mulyadi. They had 5 sons, they are:
·         Ust. Gumilar Ahmad Purbawisesa
·         Ust. Agung Muhammad Fahmi
·         Ust. Aulia Rahman
·         Qari Azkiya
·         Agni Prasetya
3.       KH. Acep Salahudin S. Ag. (son) married with Hj. Tina Yunita. He had 5 children, they are:
·         Late Vini Wahyuni
·         Ust. Azhari Rusydi
·         Sanabila Zuhri Utami
·         Liudza
·         Badilatul Zuhri
4.       Hj. Enung Nurmala (daughter) married with KH. Ismail Salim. They had a son, his name is Ali Roswan Faozi.
5.       Hj. Ade Zahratul Fuadah S. Ag. (daughter) married with Ust. Mahfudz. They had 3 children, they are:
·         Mafaz Hasbullah
·         Kaila
·         Naila
6.       KH. Iip Miftahul Faoz S. Ag. (son) married with Hj. Iin Maryana.
7.       H. Sofiyuddin Zuhri (son).

After his wife, Hj. E. Rohbiyyah passed away in, he married with Hj. Mumun. He had no children from his second marriage. After he passed away, the leadership of his Pesantren was given to his oldest son, KH. Busyrol Karim. The Pesantren has more students now, and produces many Islamic scholars.


After I have finished writing the inspiring biography/manaqib of my late great teacher KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Haurkuning, I asked the readers to pray for him. May Almighty Allah gives his blessings to him and us! So Allah lets us sink in His Love together. Amen. Al Fatehah.

3. Ali Alimudin

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